Sunday, March 30, 2014

Nato names Stoltenberg next chief

Jens Stoltenberg, Norway's ex-Prime Minister has been appointed as Nato's next secretary in general replacing Denmark's Anders Fogh Rasmussen. Many agree that the crisis in Ukraine has demonstrated the need for Nato to show strong leadership and that Stoltenberg will be able to continue that legacy. The crisis in Ukraine has created great concern recently because of Russia's huge military build up on the borders of Ukraine. The new Nato general who will officially take office in October 2014 will also have to lead the withdrawal of Nato-led forces currently held in Afghanistan.

"Nato names Stoltenberg next chief." BBC. (2014): n. page. Web. 30 Mar. 2014.

Mass protest held in Taiwan against China trade deal

President Ma Ying-jeou of Taiwan made a trade deal that will allow both China and Taiwan better access to invest more freely in each others markets. However at least 100,000 people have marched on the streets of Taiwan's capital Taipei to protest against the trade deal claiming that it will make Taiwan too economically dependent on China. The protesters say that it will hurt small businesses and job opportunities for the local people, and demand that the government pass a law to monitor all future deals with China. In recent years China has been Taiwan's biggest trading partner but many worry that stronger economic ties with China could threaten Taiwan since China formally regards Taiwan as their territory though they have been self-governing for several decades.

"Mass protest held in Taiwan against China trade deal." BBC. (2014): n. page. Web. 30 Mar. 2014.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Syria crisis: UN says no aid improvement despite vote

Even though the Security Council passed a resolution last month that would increase aid deliveries, the UN has said that there has been no humanitarian improvement for the millions of Syrians who need it. Valerie Amos the UN humanitarian chief lays most of the blame on President Al-Assad's government which refused to give aid convoys access to the remoter areas. Since February 22nd there has been nearly 300 cases of sexual violence in the Damascus area alone, aid and assistance has only reached 6% of people living in besieged areas, 175,000 remain trapped by government forces, and 45,000 cannot escape due to opposition groups. Countries such as Britain and the U.S are discussing steps to punish the government under President Assad for what they consider an objection to the resolution.

"Syria crisis: UN says no aid improvement despite vote." BBC. n. page. Web. 29 Mar. 2014.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Thailand: Into the Void

The high court of Bangkok has declared the February 2nd election invalid and has ordered a new vote which will surely deepen the country's political crises. For four months extreme protests have been ongoing in hopes to overthrow the government, killing 20 people. The government supporters or "red shirts" claim that they will stage major demonstrations if the prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra is impeached. The constitutional court ruled that the February vote had violated the requirement which states that elections be completed in a single day, protests and disruptions did indeed prevent millions of Thais from voting, therefore according to the court an entire new election is required.

Samuels, Lennox. "Thailand: Into the Void." Daily Beast. n. page. Web. 23 Mar. 2014.

Deadly Ebola virus reaches guinea capital Conakry-UN

The Ebola virus has already killed 59 people in Guinea and has reached the capital Conakry, the fever spread fast from Southern Guinea hundreds of kilometers away. Currently there is no known cure or vaccine, it is spread through close personal contact of those with the infection and kills nearly 25%-90% of its victims. Ebola has never once been recorded in Guinea and the capitol, Conakry is an expansive port city where up to two million people live. The Guinean health ministry reports that they are overwhelmed by the virus, but are receiving medical aid and some 33 tons of drugs and isolationism equipment are being flown in from Belgium and France.

"Deadly Ebola virus reaches Guinea capital Conakry - UN." BBC . n. page. Web. 23 Mar. 2014.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Police clash in Venezuela with anti-government protesters

In Venezuela anti-government demonstrators protested against the arrest of two opposition mayors: Daniel Ceballos and  Enzo Scarano who were both accused of planning a coup against President Maduro's government. In the Venezuelan capital of Caracas hundreds of demonstrators threw sticks and stones at the riot police who in return responded with tear gas and water canons. High murder rates, immense inflation, and the lack of basic necessities has been causing daily protests against the government under President Nicolas Maduro. So far dozens of supporters and opponents of the government have lost their lives in these protests and the number continues to grow.

"Police clash in Venezuela with anti-government protesters." BBC. (2014): n. page. Web. 21 Mar. 2014. 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Syrian Forces Close to Taking Over Long-Held Rebel Town

Syrian Government forces pushed into the rebel held town Yabrud, a critical location for militants and refugees moving in and out of Lebanon. The Syrian revolution which originally started as non-violent actions for political rights has now turned into a bloody war killing an estimated 150,000. One of the fighters who were killed was Abu Azzam al-Kuwaiti, a Nursu front Commander who last week negotiated the release of women and children held by the Syrian government, which included members of his own family. The government forces have spent weeks edging towards Yabrud, and the fall of this critical location seems imminent.
Barnard, Anne. "Syrian Forces Close to Taking Over Long-Held Rebel Town." New York Times. n. page. Web. 16 Mar. 2014.

Nigeria attacks: 100 killed in attacks on villages in Kaduna

At least 100 villagers have been killed in what officials say were attacks linked to tensions between ethnic groups, in the central Kaduna state of Nigeria. Though it is not evident on who the attackers were many blame members of the mostly Muslim Fulani tribe, in recent years thousands of people in central Nigeria have been murdered due to semi-nomadic Fulani herdsmen attacking Christian farmers. Houses were destroyed, food looted, and many of the victims in the villages of Ugwar Sankwai, Ungwan Gata and Chenshyi,bodies were so badly burnt that they could not even be identified. The Fulani tribe has also committed violence against the Muslim Hausa ethnic group in recent years.
"Nigeria attacks: 100 killed in attacks on villages in Kaduna." BBC. n. page. Web. 16 Mar. 2014.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Russia Vetoes U.N. Resolution on Crimea

Russia vetoed a U.N. resolution which stated that a referendum on secession in Crimea is illegal. Russia's Ambassador  Vitaly I. Churkin believes that the referendum is an "extraordinary measure" and that the people of Crimea should have the right of self-determination. China was also put in a difficult situation due to the fact that they do not want to speak against its ally Russia nor does it want it to be seen as supporting the secession of Crimea because it may encourage a vote on independence for Taiwan or Tibet. Though it is not definite on what actions the council will do next the U.S. and European Union are likely to tighten or expand sanctions.

Sengupta, Somini. "Russia Vetoes U.N. Resolution on Crimea." New York Times. n. page. Web. 15 Mar. 2014.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Libya Threatens To Bomb North Korean Ship if it Exports Seized Oil

Laessing, Ulf, and Feras Bosalum. "Libya Threatens To Bomb North Korean Ship If It exports seized oil." Huffington Post. 2014: n. page. Web. 9 Mar. 2014.
The Libya's government has threatened to bomb a North Korean flagged tanker if it attempts to export oil from a rebelled controlled port. Since august the rebels have seized three major ports for leverage to demand more autonomy, these militias once helped overthrow Muammar Gaddafi in 2011 but are now challenging the state authority. The countries oil output has been slashed to 230,000 barrels per day compared to 1.4 million in July due to waves of protests at oil ports. Western powers are concerned that Libya will fall into even deeper chaos as the government is struggling to assert control in situations such as these.

North Korea Holds First Parliamentary Elections under Kim Jong-un

Sang-Hun, Choe. "North Korea Hold First Parliamentary Elections under Kim Jong-un." New York Times. (2014): n. page. Web. 9 Mar. 2014.
North Korea's elections are the first since the death of Kim Jong-Il, in the last elections a single candidate ran unopposed within each of the 687 districts and were all elected with nearly 100% support. North Korea's Supreme People's Assembly virtually endorse anything the Kim Jong-un commands, the elections are simply a tool to check on the political allegiance of the citizens. In the past Jong-un has done a series of political purges to eliminate potential challenges to his rule such as the recent execution of his uncle Jang Song-Thaek. With the newly elected parliament filled with those he believes loyal to him, it will help to consolidate Kim Jong-un's power.

Saudis Blacklist Brotherhood

Abboud, Assad. "Saudis Blacklist Brotherhood." Daily Beast. (2014): n. page. Web. 9 Mar. 2014.
(Article posted 7 Mar.)

Saudia Arabia have announced that they have officially listed the Blacklist Brotherhood as a terrorist group along with two jihadist groups currently fighting in Syria. They have also ruled that citizens fighting outside the country to return within 15 days or go to jail, the government is hoping that this will prevent them from becoming experienced extremists who may come back with their targets being Saudi Arabi'a rulers. Saudia Arabia's actions seem somewhat surprising since they previously supported the Blacklist Brotherhood's efforts to remove the Egyptian president. These decisions come after Saudi Arbaia, the UAE, and Baharain removed their ambassadors from the Blacklist supporting country of Qatar.